Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Personal History

Here is the link to my personal history.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ancestral History

Here is the link to my dad's life story that I wrote. I feel that writing this story was perhaps one of the main reasons for taking family history as a class at BYU-Idaho.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Family Group Sheets

Bryan and Dana Crawford Family

Dwaine and Loraine Crawford Family
Frank and Luella Christensen Family

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Life Goals

Short Term (now-5 years)

Start a Family
Prepare now to raise a family in a peaceful home where the Gospel is taught

Graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree
I have two more semesters, so I just need to keep going and do my best finish

Design Wedding Announcements
I want to have a small business where I design wedding announcements from home

Decorate Wedding Cakes
I want to decorate wedding cakes as a hobby on the side, and so it will help bring in income

Continue Family History & Temple Work
I will continue searching for my ancestors and completing their temple work as I find them

I want to carry on traditions from my family and my husband’s family, and start new traditions

Mid Term (5-10 years)

Save Enough Money to Buy a House
We want to live as college students for the five years after college and during that time put extra money towards saving for a house, or at least a large down payment

Be Debt-Free
Budget well and pay off school loans and house payments

Long-Term (10+

Help All Children Get Married in the Temple
Support and encourage children to be married in the temple by teaching them from the beginning to set goals and standards that will help them get there

Visit New Temples
We want to continue our tradition of visiting a new temple at every anniversary and doing baptisms through sealings for family

Serve a Mission Together

Support My Husband in Engineering Business
My husband wants to eventually own an engineering business, and I want to support him in that and other goals he has

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pictures of My Ancestors

Mom &Dad
Bryan Dwaine and Dane Rene' [Christensen] Crawford

paternal--Richard Dwaine "Snookie" & Loraine [Nielson] Crawford

maternal--Franklin Jay "papa" & Luella [Hutchinson] Christensen

Richard George "Dick" & Emma [Casaus] Crawford
(grandpa's parents)

Leonard Andrew & Bertha Alice [Smith] Nielson
(grandma Loraine's parents)

Jay Franklin & Bessie Frances [Hutchins] Christensen
(papa's parents)

Clark Judkins & Eu Dell Mignon [Nielson] Hutchinson
(grandma Luella's parents)