Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Personal History

Here is the link to my personal history.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ancestral History

Here is the link to my dad's life story that I wrote. I feel that writing this story was perhaps one of the main reasons for taking family history as a class at BYU-Idaho.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Family Group Sheets

Bryan and Dana Crawford Family

Dwaine and Loraine Crawford Family
Frank and Luella Christensen Family

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Life Goals

Short Term (now-5 years)

Start a Family
Prepare now to raise a family in a peaceful home where the Gospel is taught

Graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree
I have two more semesters, so I just need to keep going and do my best finish

Design Wedding Announcements
I want to have a small business where I design wedding announcements from home

Decorate Wedding Cakes
I want to decorate wedding cakes as a hobby on the side, and so it will help bring in income

Continue Family History & Temple Work
I will continue searching for my ancestors and completing their temple work as I find them

I want to carry on traditions from my family and my husband’s family, and start new traditions

Mid Term (5-10 years)

Save Enough Money to Buy a House
We want to live as college students for the five years after college and during that time put extra money towards saving for a house, or at least a large down payment

Be Debt-Free
Budget well and pay off school loans and house payments

Long-Term (10+

Help All Children Get Married in the Temple
Support and encourage children to be married in the temple by teaching them from the beginning to set goals and standards that will help them get there

Visit New Temples
We want to continue our tradition of visiting a new temple at every anniversary and doing baptisms through sealings for family

Serve a Mission Together

Support My Husband in Engineering Business
My husband wants to eventually own an engineering business, and I want to support him in that and other goals he has

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pictures of My Ancestors

Mom &Dad
Bryan Dwaine and Dane Rene' [Christensen] Crawford

paternal--Richard Dwaine "Snookie" & Loraine [Nielson] Crawford

maternal--Franklin Jay "papa" & Luella [Hutchinson] Christensen

Richard George "Dick" & Emma [Casaus] Crawford
(grandpa's parents)

Leonard Andrew & Bertha Alice [Smith] Nielson
(grandma Loraine's parents)

Jay Franklin & Bessie Frances [Hutchins] Christensen
(papa's parents)

Clark Judkins & Eu Dell Mignon [Nielson] Hutchinson
(grandma Luella's parents)

My Life & Family in Pictures

Childhood (1998 or 1999)
Hillary, me, mom, Shiloh

Teenage Years (2007)
Shiloh, Hillary, mom, me, Miranda (exchange student from Switzerland), and dad
Shiloh just got back from his mission in Charlotte, North Carolina
Senior Year (2008)
Senior Picture

Engagement and Wedding (2009)
Brian and me

July 25, 2009

Our Family Today (2010)
Brian, me, Hillary, Megan, Shiloh, mom, dad

My Home Where I Grew Up
Rye, Colorado

Friday, January 6, 2012

My View of Life

My name is Jadi Luella (Crawford) Hancock, and I am from Rye, Colorado. My parents are Bryan and Dana Crawford. I am the middle of three children. I have an older brother, Shiloh, and a younger sister, Hillary. We are a very close family. I was named after my maternal grandmother, Luella. I feel honored to have her name because of the amazing woman that she was. I never met her in this life, but I feel extra close to her and like I have known her forever.

When I think of what makes me who I am today, I know the biggest contributor is my knowledge of my Heavenly Father, and my Savior, Jesus Christ. I was born into and raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Both of my parents are very active, and have always taught us the gospel. I never had a problem with desiring to go to church. I grew up knowing it was our lifestyle, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have had a lifetime to come to know my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know they live, and I can one day return to live with them again because of Christ’s atoning sacrifice. It is because of this knowledge that affects how I live my life. I believe you live your life according to who you think you are. I have been blessed with knowledge that I am a daughter of Heavenly Father. I want to live my life like He would have His daughters live.

I grew up in a tiny, but gorgeous mountain town. There were only 52 in my graduating high school class, and one other besides me was a member of the church. I learned at a young age I had to set standards for myself, and not lower them for any occasion. I had to know I had a testimony, because it was often questioned by those around me because they did not have the same standards or beliefs. This turned out to be a blessing in my life.

I am thankful my parents always pushed us to do our best in school. I learned the value of hard work, not giving up, and always being happy with my results if I knew I had done my best. I learned the value of education. I feel like I have been given so much by teachers that one day I want to give back. I don’t want to waste what I have learned. I can do this by serving those around me in the community and putting my learned skills to good use to build up others. I think it is important to learn all we can about any subject, whether it is history, politics, the arts, or anything. This is one way to gain wisdom. I think it is important to know what it going on around you so you can help influence others for the good. For example, if you know the problems that are facing families today, you can help by teaching what can be done to avoid those problems to your friends, those in the community, and your children.

While growing up I did not feel like I had a ton of close friends. I was thankful for the friends I did have, but I was especially thankful for my family. I remember my dad teaching me when I felt very lonely at one point of time that my family should always be my closest friends because they will always be there and they love me. Family relationships can be the most important, especially when you think of them in the eternal perspective. They are the ones you are sealed to for eternity.

To summarize my view of life, I would say that knowing who you are determines how you live your life. Maintaining high standards and characteristics of honesty, integrity, and charity are vital. Developing and keeping close family relationships is also very important. Gaining education and service will make you grow and learn, and will give you more meaning in life.

What I Believe

I know that we have a Heavenly Father who knows us and loves us. He is our Father, and we were with Him before we even came to this earth. I know Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. He gave His life for us to be able to repent and live again. We can return to our Heavenly Father and live in His presence. I know we can be sealed with our spouse and family for time and all eternity in the temples of our God. I know we were put on this earth to learn and become like our Heavenly Father. We have been given tools to help us along the way, like scriptures and modern day prophets. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, and it brings me closer to my Heavenly Father. I know Joseph Smith was a prophet and everything he did was true and called of God. I know we have a true and living prophet on the earth today, President Thomas S. Monson, and apostles who all speak with authority from our Heavenly Father to direct his church on the earth. I know I am somebody to Heavenly Father, and He is aware of where I am and what I am going through, and is always there to help me. I know these things because I have felt them in my heart and have had that confirmation by the Holy Ghost.